(719) 225-5357

Nature's Hair Restorative
Gibson Smith, of Groton Junction, Mass., first patented the formula for his "Compound for Coloring and Preserving the Hair" in 1869 (Patent #88,224). He renewed the Patent in 1870, claiming that he had improved his formula by adding glycerine (Patent #99,487). He again modified his Patented formula in 1872, adding the claim that the preparation would now color gray hair back to its original color. His formula in 1872 was as follows:

Combine 1 ounce of hyposulfite of soda dissolved in thirteen ounces of soft water, two drams of carbonate of ammonia dissolved in 13 ounces of soft water, and 2 drams of sulfate of protoxide of manganese dissolved in 13 ounces of soft water. The three solutions are made in separate vessels, and then combined and mixed together. Finally, 2 ounces of pure glycerine is added.

Apparently, although he patented his formula, Smith never registered the brand name as a Trade Mark. In 1892 the brand name Nature's Hair Oil was registered by the White Rock Oil Co (#20.934). It's possible that they had bought the brand name from Smith. "Nature's Hair Restorer" was listed for sale in the 1875 John F. Henry, Curran & Co. catalog, and later in the 1880 Morrison & Plummer catalog.

Pictures:   1902 Ad   Trademark 20,934   Ad from 1871 Essex Mass. Directory    Nature's Label

1 Fancy shape, 6 7/8", square top, front & rear panels, BIM, aqua, side and front: "NATURE"S HAIR" second side: "RESTORATIVE"