Gallagher and Bertram advertised in 1848 that they were the sole Proprietors of Velno's Magic Hair Oil and Velno's Parisian Fluid for curling the hair.
A. J. Gallagher was the Agent for Velno's Parisian Fluid for Curling Hair, starting around 1848. Although I've never seen a bottle for this "Parisian Fluid," there was ar product called Velno's Magic Oil, which was probably also sold by Gallagher, and may have been the same product. The "Velno's Magic Oil" bottles were from the same mold as the early "Gallagher's Magical Hair Oil" bottles. Only the embossing changed.
After selling Velno's preparations for a few years, and advertising that the patron's should beware of imitation, he started selling his own imitation: "Gallagher's Magic Hair Oil." Gallagher's business was initially located at 11 N. 6th in Philadelphia (1848). A couple of years later, Bernard F. Gallagher (probably his son), joined him, and they had a Drug Store at N.E. 5th & Vine. A. J. turned the Drug business over to Bernard sometime between 51 and 53. In 53, A. J. was selling Stoves.
By 1860, Bernard had two locations: a Perfumery Store at 826 N. 6th, and a Patent Medicine Outlet at 231 N. 3rd. His Patent Medicine business continued until the late 1880s. From 1885 to 1890, he also called himself a Physician. The only other patent medicine Gallagher sold that I know of was his "Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherry, Hoarhound &c." Gallagher's Magic Hair Oil was still listed for sale in the 1896 Morrison & Plummer catalog.