This was the product of Vincent Velno, of Paris (presumably). A.J. Gallagher was the sole agent in the U.S. for the product in 1848. There was also a Velno's Magic Oil which was probably the product Gallagher later imitated with Gallagher's Magical Hair Oil. The 1848 ad (view) is transcribed below.
This celebrated and invaluable preparation for curling the hair, having met with unparalleled success in Europe - being used, and highly recommended by the first families, and given such general satisfaction, that the Proprietor has been induced to establish an agency for the sale of it in this country.
Velno's Parisian Fluid is warranted to curl the hair in the most beautiful manner, giving it a soft, silky appearance. This preparation will not crisp, or render the hair harsh, but imitate nature in her greatest perfection. One trial is sufficient to convince the most incredulous that this article is all they wish, and all we claim for it.
We solemnly assure the public that Velno's Parisian Fluid is entirely free from any ingredient that will in any way injure the hair. It can be used with impunity. We respectfully ask for it a trial. We know that it will give full, entire satisfaction, it is perfumed with the Otto of Rose. The money will be refunded if this article is not found, on trial, all we represent it to be.
A. J. Gallagher, No. 11 North Front Street, Philadelphia, is the Sole Agent for the above article in the United States, and unless purchased from him or one of his regularly appointed Agents, the article cannot be genuine. To prevent counterfeits, the Agents signature will be found on the wrapper of every bottle, written with a pen. The price of Velno's Parisian Fluid is 25 or 50 cents per bottle. A liberal discount allowed to wholesale dealers. ...