(719) 225-5357

Canadian Booster Hair Tonic
This product was sold by the Canadian Booster Co., Ltd., of Windsor, Ontario.

Except for the barber bottles, the bottles were using the same mold as Westphal's Auxiliator and Shaffer's Hilaris.

Label picture courtesy of Terry Matz.  Image for the Label-under-glass bottle was provided by John Knight.

  Booster Label

1 fancy shape, 6 5/8", ring top, no panels, BIM, clear, front: "CANADIAN - TRADE - BOOSTER - MARK - HAIR TONIC - AND DANDRUFF - CURE - WINDSOR, ONT."
2 fansy shape, 7 3/4", ring top, no panels, BIM, clear, front: "CANADIAN - TRADE - BOOSTER - MARK - HAIR TONIC - AND DANDRUFF - CURE - WINDSOR, ONT."
3 fancy shape, 8 1/4", ring top, no panels, BIM, clear, side: "CANADIAN BOOSTER HAIR TONIC" side: "DANDRUFF CURE"
4 fancy shape, 8 1/4", screw top, no panels, ABM, yellow, front: "CANADIAN - TRADE - BOOSTER - MARK - HAIR TONIC - AND DANDRUFF - REMEDY - WINDSOR, ONT."
5 Round, 7 1/4", Ring Top, Label Under Glass, BIM, Clear, No embossing
Canadian Booster Bottle