(719) 225-5357

Wavenlock Co.
The Trade Mark "Wavenlock," was registered in 1913, by the Wavenlock Co. of Detroit (see below). James A. Forrester was the President of the company at that time. His business was located at 836-844 Third Ave., in Detroit. He said that they, or their predecessor (Frank H. Mcguire) had been using the name since 1906. McGuire had registered a label for the product in 1908. The pictures for the label-under-glass variants were provided bu Michael Murro (see gallery).

  The Chief Hair Tonic
  Eau De Quinine

Trademark #91,279 (1913)

1 Round, 13 1/2", square top, no panels, BIM, clear, front: "THE - WAVENLOCK CO. - DETROIT, MICH."
2 Round, about 7", double-ring top, front panel, BIM, clear, no embossing, label under glass
3 Round, about 7", ring top, no panels, BIM, clear, no embossing, label under glass
Large Wavenlock Bottle