(719) 225-5357

Joseph R. Watkins
According to Fike, Joseph R. Watkins started his Medicine Company around 1868 in Plainview MN. Fike also said that Watkins moved to Winona in 1885, and the firm was still operating in 1985. Watkins registered a Trade Mark for a Hair Tonic in 1920 (TM #133,880). I have a 1913 issue of Watkins Almanac. Inside I found listing of his numerous products including medicines, cosmetics, veterinary medicines, flavoring extracts and spices. The only other hair product listed was a "Fragrant Pomade," but it wasn't in a bottle. In 1913, the company was called J.R. Watkins Medical Co.

The products Glostora and Liquid Arvon were sold by the R. L. Watkins Co., of Cleveland. The glostora was in a screw-top bottle. On the label it said it was from the makers of the Mulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo. Most likely R.L. Watkins was a son of Joseph.

  Watkin's Hair Tonic
  Watkin's Fragrant Pomade
  Mulsified Cocoanut Oil Shampoo
  Liquid Arvon