(719) 225-5357

Williams' Brilliantine
This was one of the products of the J. B. Williams Co., of Glastonbury, CT. I found the article advertised as early as 1903 and as late as 1935. The descriptions for both bottles were in Fike's book. This particular #1 is from the collection of the Author. The picture for the #2 was provided by Kurtis Kirk.

Other Images:
  1903 Ad from the Barber's Journal

1 Rectangular, 3 5/8", square top, no panels, BIM, clear, front: "WILLIAMS' - BRILLIANTINE - THE J.B. WILLIAMS CO. - GLASTONBURY, CT., U.S.A."
2 Round, 3 1/2", ring top, no panels, BIM, clear, front: "WILLIAMS' (arched up) - BRILLANTINE"
Williams Bottle