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J. Newton Smith's Hair Restorative
John Newton Smith, of Colemansville, Kentucky, registered a Patent for his Hair Restorative in 1872 (Patent #129,608). The product was intended as a hair dressing which would prevent the hair from falling out and encourage its growth. It was made by the following steps: First, steep 1 ounce of dry sage leaves and 1 1/2 ounces of black tea in 1 gallon of pure water. Second, strain the mixture, and add 1 quart of bay rum, 5 ounces of glycerine, 1 ounce of tincture cantharides (spanish fly), and thirty-two grains of corrosive sublimate. This mixture is then digested for three days and perfumed with oil of bergamot of some other scent.

    Ad from 1875
    Ad from 1877 Burlington Hawkeye

1 Oval, 6 1/8", flared lip, no panels, BIM or O.P., clear or aqua, front: "HAIR RESTORATIVE - BY - J. NEWTON SMITH"
Smith's Bottle