Ella Quinn was first listed in the "Hair" business in 1874. Her initial address was at 213 S. 9th in New York City. There had been a George Quinn in the Ornamental Hair Work business listed the year before, but I don't know if they were related. They apparently expanded in 1882, because that year I found E. & R. Quinn listed in the Hair Goods business in Philadellphia. In 1885, Rosaline E. Quinn joined Ella in the Hair business and they moved at that time to 163 S. 13th. By 1900, they were still listed under E. & R. Quinn, but their names had been changed to Ella Brennan and Rose Mareto. The business was still alive in 1910. There was a Trade Mark registered by an F. M. Quinn in 1907 (TM #62,057), but I don't know if they were related.