(719) 225-5357

Phytalia For This Hair
Richard Binder, of Philadelphia, registered this brand name as a Trademark in 1889 (TM #16,222). He claimed to have been using the name since 1888. He said that he might have the Trademark blown onto the bottles. A labeled example said it was sold by John Wanamaker, of Philadelphia. I found the product advertised from 1889 until 1921. You must see the article below from 1911.


    Ad from 1891 Philadelphia Times
    Ad from 1902 New York Times
    Article form 1911 Pittston (PA) Gazette

1 Rectangular, about 6", square top, no panels, BIM, clear, side: "PHYTALIA - FOR THE HAIR"
2 Rectangular, 8 3/8" with glass stopper, prescription top, no panels, BIM, clear, both sides: "PHYTALIA - FOR THE HAIR"
Phytalia Bottle