(719) 225-5357

Hair Tonic
This entry is used to show some examples of labeled Hair Tonic bottles. These labels are generic and may have been applied to the products of several different proprietors.

Example #1 has a logo on the back (view), but I can't be sure what the letters even are. To me it looks like L&E. Although clear who the proprietor was, the Murray's Pharmacy bottle has a generic label as well.

I have this near mint one (view) for sale for $25.

Hair Tonic Logo

1 Round, 6 1/2" including glass stopper, square top, no panels, BIM, clear, ebossed logo
2 Rectangular, 6 5/8", prescription top, no panels, BIM, clear, no embossing
3 Square, 5 1/8" with glass stopper, Prescription Top, front label under glass panel, BIM, clear, base: "W. T. CO. - USA"
4 Round, 7 7/8", Ring Top, no panels, O.P., Amethyst, no embossing
5 Square, 5 3/8", Prescription Top, no panels, BIM, Clear, front: "HAIR - TONIC"
6 Round, 8 1/2", Ring Top, no panels, Pontil, Milkglass, no embossing
7 Round, 8 1/2", Ring Top, No Panels, O.P., Milk Glass, No embossing
Hair Tonic Bottle