(719) 225-5357

Hair Bitters
This brand name was registered as a trademark for a "Hair Tonic" in 1920 by Joseph B. Beriault, of Seattle, Washington (TM #128,625). The product claimed to be for "Removal of all scalp troubles." The business was apparently later called Beriault Laboratories. The #2 bottle below calls it the Beriault Mfg. Co. They had only been using the brand name since 1919. According to Fike, the preparation was still being sold at least as late as 1930.

Picture provided by Rebecca ( The round glass stopper probably isn't original.

Other Pictures:
  Front Label
  Rear Label

1 Rectangular, 6", ring top, 2 panels, ABM, clear, Both sides: "HAIR BITTERS" front: "BERIAULT - LABORATORIES"
2 Rect-oval, 7 1/8", double-ring top, no panels, ABM, clear, no embossing
Hair Bitters Bottle