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Foster's Mountain Compound
This article was listed in A. I. Mathews Hints (1856).

Bottle descriptions were from Jim Holst's book.

H. W. Foster was selling this product at least as early as 1846 and at least as late as 1852. His business was in Lowell, Mass. An ad in 1849 claims that he was selling 50,000 bottles a year. The bottle picture and some of the advertisements were provided by Sam Fuller. Thanks Sam!


  Ad from 1849 Rockland (ME) Gazette
  Ad from 1852 Eastern Mail (Watertown, ME)
  1847 Ad for Foster's Mountain Compound

1 Rectangular, 6 1/8", flared lip, front panel, O.P., aqua, side: "FOSTER'S" front: "MOUNTAIN" side: "COMPOUND"
2 Rectangular, 5 3/8", rolled top, front panel, O.P., aqua, side: "FOSTER'S" front: "MOUNTAIN" side: "COMPOUND"
3 Rectangular, 5 3/4", rolled top, no panels, O.P., aqua, front: "FOSTER'S - MOUNTAIN COMPOUND"
Foster's Bottle