(719) 225-5357

Foso For The Hair
The brand name "Foso Bark" was registered as aTrade Mark in 1892 (#20,940) by William Britton Logan of Cincinnati. The picture was some hair growing out of a piece of bark, with the words "Foso Bark." He claimed to have been using the brand name since 1889. He indicated that he only applied this brand name by means of labels to the bottles.

In Cincinnati Directories, the Altenheim Medical Dispensary was a Manufactory for the Foso Hair Remedies from 1894 until 1905. They were at 550 Main Street, the same address as the Foso Company from 1905 to 1910.

According to Toulouse, the "M" in a circle on the base of some of these bottles meant they were made by the Maryland Glass Co, in Baltimore (in business starting in 1916). Fike found Foso products were advertised as late as 1922. It is very likely that the number 2 bottle described below had this Trade Mark on the label. If so, reading around the bottle would give: "Foso Bark For The Hair. The Altenheim Medical Dispensary, Cincinnati, O."

Pamphlets and Advertisements

1 Rectangular, 7 7/8", double-ring top, 4 panels, BIM, aqua, side: "FOR THE HAIR AND SCALP" front: "THE - FOSO COMPANY" side: "CINCINNATI, O. U.S.A."
2 Rectangular, 7 7/8", double-ring top, 4 panels, BIM, clear, side: "FOR THE HAIR" front: "THE ALTENHEIM - MEDICAL DISPENSARY" side: "CINCINNATI, O. U.S.A." (Foso Bark)
3 Rectangular, 7 7/8", double-ring top, 4 panels, BIM, clear, side: "FOR THE HAIR" front: "THE ALTENHEIM - MEDICAL DISPENSARY" side: "CINCINNATI, O. U.S.A." (Foso Foam)
Foso For The Hair (1)