(719) 225-5357

De Lacy's French Hair Tonic
The DeLacy Chemical Co. was in business in St. Louis from 1900 until at least 1929. They started out at 501 Franklin Ave., and by 1913, they had added a second business address at 423 N. 7th. By 1918, their only address was at 3010 Olive, then by 1922, they had moved to 2843 N. Grand. The last address I found them listed at was 4856 Lee Ave, where they were located in 1928. F. V. Johnson was the President of the company in 1907, and by 1920, Charles W. J. H. was its President.

The primary other product they sold was called "Delacy's Cinchona and Iron." I found both products for sale in the 1901 Morrison & Plummer catalog, and, according to Fike, they were for sale at least as late as 1929.

Advertisements and other Images:
    1896 Kansas City Star
    1900 New Orleans Times-Picayune
    1906 Chicago Daily Tribune
    Front label

1 Square, 6 1/2", square top, no panels, BIM, amber, front: "DELACY'S - FRENCH HAIR TONIC"
2 Square, 4", Square Top, no panels, BIM, Amber, front: "TRADE DE LACY'S MARK - FRENCH - HAIR TONIC"
DeLacy's French
Hair Tonic (1)