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Coke Dandruff Cure
Coke Dandruff Cure was advertised in 1903 Barbers' Journals by A.R. Bremer, of Chicago. The bottle was pictured on some of the ads, and it apparently had a fancy metal stopper. I found Albert R. Bremer listed with this business in 1898 at 173 Randolph, Chicago. Note that on the second ad there is also a mention of Coke Egg Shampoo. Product was advertised at least as late as 1905.

  1895 magazine ad
  1901 magazine ad
  1898 ad from Meyer Brothers Catalog
  Ad from Marshall Field & Co. Catalog
  Bottle Picture from Ad
  Front Label
  Rear Label
  Pamphlet that was packaged with each bottle

1 Rectangular, 5", square top, no panels, BIM, clear, base: "COKE - DANDRUFF - CURE"
2 Rectangular, 6 1/2", square top, no panels, BIM, clear, base: "COKE - DANDRUFF - CURE"
Coke Dandruff Cure (1)