Frank B. Clock was an Apothecary in Manchester New Hampshire. He was listed there from 1864 through 1866 at 116 Elm. He was probably in business longer, but the Manchester Directories were Bi-annual and I didn't have access to any from the 1861 through 1863 period. In some 1866 ads the product was called Dr. Clocks Excelsior Hair Restorer. "Clock's Hair Restorer" was still for sale in the 1875 John F. Henry, Curran & Co. catalog. The ad shown to the right was transcribed from an 1865 Harper's Weekly.
Hair Restorer restores gray hair. CLOCK'S Hair Restorer makes hair grow on bald heads. CLOCK'S Hair Restorer stops hair from falling out. CLOCK'S Hair Restorer prevents headaches. CLOCK'S Hair Restorer is elegantly perfumed. CLOCK'S Hair Restorer is all that can be desired in a dressing. CLOCK'S Hair Restorer possesses all the merits claimed for it. A single trial convinces the most skeptical of its value. If after a thorough trial of two bottles, it does not give perfect satisfaction, the money will be refunded. Sold everywhere at $1 per bottle; six bottles for $5. Dr. F. B. Clock, Proprietor, Manchester, N.H. H.T. Hembold, Drug and Chemical Warehouse, 594 Broadway, Agent, New York City.