(719) 225-5357

Church's Circassian Hair Restorer
There was a G.K. Church in Topshaw Vermont, who sold a "Green Mountain Liniment," and according to O'Dell, there were also J.C. & N.H. Church, of Patoka, Indiana, selling patent medicines. Either of these two Proprietors could have also sold this product. I found the product named in advertisements from 1867 through 1870. All of the ads I've found called it Circassian Hair Restorer, with no mention of "Church" so it's possible that they may have actually been advertising Scoville's Circassian Hair Restorative.

1 Rectangular, 7", double-ring top, front & side panels, BIM, deep amethyst, side: "CHURCH'S: front: "CIRCASSIAN - HAIR" side "RESTORER"
2 Rectangular, 7", double-ring top, front & side panels, BIM, amber, side: "CHURCH'S: front: "CIRCASSIAN - HAIR" side "RESTORER"
Church's Circassian
Hair Restorer (1)